## This article is only applied to [TapGroom] ##
TapGroom can manage Boarding Kennel / Pet Hotel in addition to the normal service appointments.
To enable this feature in the app,
- Home > Setting > Schedule Preference > Enable "Kennel / Pet Hotel"
Then, on schedule you'll see "Kennel" in the in the "Groomer" list.
If you select "All Groomer", then schedule on the specified day for Kennel will be shown at the far right column.
If you select "Kennel", then only Kennel booking on 1 - 7 days from the selected day on the calendar will be shown.
The number in the top label next to the "Bed" icon shows how many pet will stay over night on that day.
Thee colour of the cell can be set from Setting > Schedule / Booking > Schedule Cell Colours.
You can also see all the Kennel related booking on the day as a list from To-Do list button above.
The numbers in the () indicate the number of the pets to check-in, stay overnight, checkout on the day.
To create the Kennel Booking is very similar to the way to create a normal service booking. Tap "Create New Booking" button, then place the cell on the Kennel Column if you had selected "All Groomer" or anywhere if you had selected "Kennel" in the groomer list.
Double tap the placed to display the kennel booking details. Enter Check-In and Check-Out time, select customer etc, as usual, then save.
Sales of the boarding kennels are displayed separately in the Report > Sales Report, Report > Sales Projection and Statistics > Sales Data & Graph.